ABtesting.ai Lifetime Deal

AI-Powered Conversion Rate Optimization Platform

Making the right choice for what you examine on your landing pages is an extremely difficult task. Many tests fail , not because you don’t have enough people visiting your site, but because you selected the wrong items to test, and the items you choose to test will not alter in any way that can be measured to increase the conversion rate.

When you design the website or website or a landing page, it is important to would like your visitors to enjoy the most enjoyable user experience possible. This means you could be conducting an A/B test for months, trying to reach some statistical significance for a 0.5 percent increase in conversion rates.

There’s more than one problem It’s a lot more

  • The risk of not performing well while conducting the A/B tests
  • Deciding which combinations to test
  • Web page loading speed
  • Flickering & SegmentationUpfront Costs
  • Adjusting Tests to Mobile

Utilizing this program, you’ll be able to tackle all of the problems above and leverage AI to make an A/B test which will increase your conversion rates.

PitchGround present ABtesting.ai The software allows you to optimize your website to increase conversions by using AI using the simplest fastest, most efficient method to conduct an A/B test.

ABtesting.ai can be described as an A/B test system that automatically proposes and implements A/B testing on landing pages. It doesn’t require any knowledge of A/B testing, and can operate in a completely unsupervised manner.

It is all you have to do is the initial set-up and the AI algorithm will determine the most efficient version for your landing pages to maximize your conversion rates.

Find out More about ABtesting.ai!

ABtesting.ai makes use of Artificial Intelligence to help you design, test, and combine different headlines, copy, images and calls to action to determine the most effective option for your target audience improving conversion rates and reducing expenses.

Increase your conversion rate by boosting your conversion rate Enhance your earnings through making your top funnel larger. Optimizing your landing pages is now easier than ever!

It is easy to set it up and then forget about it. Complete the 10 minute setup and then let the AI perform its work. The program will choose automatically the most effective combinations to present to your users, increasing the conversion rate during the process.

There is no manual work to do No manual work requiredThe AI will employ advanced statistical analysis to select the most efficient A/B tests available to you. You just need to relax and watch your profits increase.

GPT-3 The GPT-3 text suggestions help to accelerate copywriting.

Does not require multiple URLsEvery variation is created over the initial style (using JS) So there’s no requirement to create anything or create multiple URLs for each variant.

Smooth Algorithm Smooth AlgorithmYou won’t lose any conversions during testing due to a novel testing method MAB + the Evolutionary Algorithm.

How It Works?

1. Create variations – You type in your URL and then create several variants of the title, and calls to action. The possibilities of combinations for these variations could be a lot.

  • AI will recognize the AI recognises the name as well as copy and CTA.
  • The system will suggest different options for you.
  • The event that you convert will be detected automatically and analyzed by an AI.

2. Integrate – Add its small Javascript snippet into your website or install the WordPress as well as Wix plugin.

  • The Javascript code snippet is smaller than 1KB.
  • Conducting the tests won’t have any impact on the performance of your website.

3. Start the experiment It is a basic experiment using some variations, and runs it with an approach that involves a variety of arms.

  • Since the bandit has a multi-armed algorithm, it’s not likely that your conversion rate will decrease during the course of your test.
  • Multi-armed Bandit is able to show the most effective variant more often, so you won’t lose conversions when testing.

4. Make use of AI to discover the best combination. Once the test is statistically significant, select the combinations that work best and apply an algorithm that evolves to mix them and then alter them for another batch.

  • Utilizing an algorithm that evolves it can determine the most effective combination faster than having to test every possible combination.
  • The tool runs its experiments in batches. This allows you to benefit from A/B tests earlier, without requiring a lot of traffic to your site.

5. Repeat – The system runs an experiment again and repeats this procedure until it finds the best combination for conversions.

What’s the advantages that come from ABtesting.ai?

  • Simplest setup you can find. You could have your test up and running in just 10 minutes.
  • It’s almost self-sufficient. It’s easy to set it up and put it away.
  • It won’t affect the SEO of your site or Load Speed.

Best Suited For –

  • SMBs and SMEs
  • Online Businesses
  • Startups & Freelancers
  • Small Agencies
  • Solopreneurs

Alternate For – Unbounce, Convertize

Testimonials –

“It’s proved as the most effective and efficient method of testing our pages without adding an additional burden for our team of tech experts and marketers.” – Nattu Adnan (LottieFiles)

“It is extremely simple to set up on WordPress and the wizard guides you through each step to ensure you are able to A/B test your website.” – Alex P. (Digital Designer)

“It is incredibly simple to set up on WordPress and the wizard guides you through every step to properly test the A/B of your website – Alex P. (Digital Designer)

I appreciate the ease of the interface and the support that AI offers. In just 3 steps, and in less than 5 minutes you’ll will have an AB test up and running, as well as a setup using GA.” — Andre L. (Digital Marketing Analyst)

“I recently used a recommendation from ABtesting.ai to boost conversion rates by 27% on one of our sites. This amounts to about an additional revenue of $30K” — Len Testa (Touringplans.com)

“Amazing tool. The AI suggestions are very cool. I was able to integrate with WordPress without any issues. It could help me save a lot in time.” – Nathan K

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